Expert Guidance for Bookkeepers Empower Your Bookkeeping Business
Stephanie Crawford, a dedicated business coach for bookkeepers, is committed to helping you overcome overwhelm and build a successful, sustainable bookkeeping business.

Be Guided Towards Growth with Proven Strategies
With nine years as a bookkeeping business coach, you can have confidence that I bring a wealth of proven strategies to the table. My 6-step formula of tried-and-tested methods saves you time and effort in figuring out what works, helping you propel your business forward much faster than if you did this alone.

Learn from Real-World Success & Insights
Benefit from my extensive hands-on experience as an award-winning bookkeeper and entrepreneur. My success, coupled with my active involvement in a boutique bookkeeping business, ensures that you receive practical insights and strategies rooted in real-world experience.

Get Personalised Strategies That Work
Get tailored strategies and solutions from me to help you achieve your business goals. As a bookkeeping mentor, my approach is tailored to your unique needs and goals, making sure you receive the support you need to overcome specific challenges and achieve desired outcomes.

Enjoy My Supportive Approach & Fresh Perspective
Boost your confidence and resilience with my nurturing and supportive approach. My inquisitive nature and fresh perspective provide you with the encouragement and insights needed to thrive.

Be A Part of A Community of Bookkeepers
Be part of a vibrant peer support group with monthly coaching sessions and an active Facebook community. Gain additional resources, insights, inspiration and encouragement from like-minded bookkeepers.

Stay On Track With An Accountability Partner
Stay focussed with regular coaching sessions and check-ins. My supportive and strategic approach keeps you focused, motivated, and committed to taking action without being overbearing.
7-Steps To Unlock Your Bookkeeping Business
Move from overwhelmed bookkeeper, feeling stuck and not sure what to do next, to thriving bookkeeping business owner living your best business life. Subscribe below to download your free guide and get marketing & business tips delivered to your inbox
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