Planning for Success

goal setting and vision mindset mission values Jul 07, 2023

In my coaching programme, From Bookkeeper to Business Owner, I run a Quarterly Planning workshop.

I love holding these sessions. It's a space for bookkeepers to take the time to refocus on their why, their mission, vision and values, and on what it's going to take for them to achieve their goals.

Planning for success is what helps us to achieveour goals and so it's important that we take the time to lift our heads and look around, look at how far we've come and refocus our goals and attention towards the future.

Short-term planning keeps us focused. Goals seem much more achievable when we can visualise the end result and, whilst long-term goals are important as well, sometimes it's hard to imagine what success will look and feel like when you get there.

Pulling those long-term goals into focus, with milestones to achieve toward them, is a very effective way of keeping your eye on the prize and holding yourself accountable.

We all have goals and dreams. Are you planning your way towards yours? Do you have someone to keep you accountable?

In the act of striving for our goals, we cannot help but be transformed in the process. We grow and we learn. We become different people than who we were at the start of the journey.

We become the type of person who believes in ourselves enough to aim for something more.

We become the type of person who achieves our goals.

Perhaps the most important thing about achieving our goals is who we become along the way.

PS: Interested in working with me as your bookkeeping business coach? Send me an email to start the conversation. 

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