Finding Your WFH Balance Apr 29, 2024
Working From Home Insights from a Seasoned Bookkeeper

I'd hazard a guess and say that most bookkeepers work from home. Certainly, most start that way. And why not? There are many benefits to...

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Does It Have To Be This Hard? Apr 05, 2024

Have you ever had this thought about your bookkeeping business: "Does it have to be this hard?"

I'm going to assume that you're like the majority of us and that your answer is a resounding yes,...

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The 2-Minute Rule Mar 18, 2024

In his book Getting Things Done, David Allen talks about the 2-minute rule as a way of managing tasks and to-dos.

It's particularly useful when we're talking about your...

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Not Getting What You Need? Oct 25, 2023

This week is manic for many and I'm seeing a lot of people in overwhelm.

We all have those times of the year where everything seems to happen at once - school holidays, public holidays, GST /...

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Balance is not BS Oct 05, 2023

There's been a common theme over the past month with my coaching clients of self-care, taking care of yourself, and about finding balance in life.

In the whirlwind of our lives, it's often easy to...

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Miracle Morning May 12, 2023

I first read Hal Elrod's best-selling book The Miracle Morning about 8 years ago after a client recommended it to me.

If you've never heard of it, he writes about 6 habits that will "transform your...

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