Striking the Management Balance - Micro vs. Macro Jun 20, 2024

Between Micro and Macro Management

"I don't want to micromanage but I'm so frustrated at [new team member name]'s performance."

I've heard this so often from different bookkeepers that I'm...

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The 2-Minute Rule Mar 18, 2024

In his book Getting Things Done, David Allen talks about the 2-minute rule as a way of managing tasks and to-dos.

It's particularly useful when we're talking about your...

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Managing Tax Obligations Jun 05, 2023

I've heard of many different ways to manage tax and GST obligations over the years.

I've just read Scott Pape's (The Barefoot Investor) newsletter from a few weeks back where he says he puts 35% of...

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Decluttering May 02, 2023

When it comes to decluttering, it's not just about getting rid of things, it's also about creating space for the things that really matter. Decluttering our physical and digital spaces frees up...

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Cyber Security and the LastPass breach Mar 20, 2023

Cyber security is a critical aspect of being a bookkeeper in this online world. There's no getting away from it.

In our line of work, working with business accounts, we're entrusted with a lot of...

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5 ways to improve employee utilisation Mar 03, 2023

The latest edition of MYOB's newsletter mentioned that, "according to a study by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA), an ideal employee utilisation rate is around...

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