The space between "fake-it-til-you-make-it" and "don't-make-a-dick-of-yourself" Aug 28, 2020

I wrote in last week’s blog How to Build a Successful Bookkeeping Business about how I tend to live my life in the space between “fake it ‘til you make it” and...

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How to build a successful bookkeeping business? Aug 21, 2020

Last week, after inviting bookkeepers in my free Facebook group The Business of Bookkeeping to share their bookkeeping origin story, I talked about my own bookkeeping journey; from...

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What's your origin story? Aug 14, 2020

I had huge resistance to starting my bookkeeping business back in 2007. I thought anyone could do bookkeeping, and did, from their dining room table, for low pay.

Our landlord was an accountant and...

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Sales is not a dirty word Aug 07, 2020

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, all the times I talk about sales only to be met with a shudder and a look of horror. I’m not sure how and when the idea of sales people as disingenuous and pushy became...

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You're a bookkeeper?? Feb 17, 2020

I want to tell you a brief story today about a conversation I once had with a friend of mine.

He's actually more of a friend of a friend really. We don't catch up for coffee or anything but we do...

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The Annual Leave Account Jan 28, 2020

I want to share with you an idea of mine that my clients have found quite useful to manage cashflow over the holiday period, and that is the Annual Leave account.

In New Zealand the end of year...

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