Does It Have To Be This Hard? Apr 05, 2024

Have you ever had this thought about your bookkeeping business: "Does it have to be this hard?"

I'm going to assume that you're like the majority of us and that your answer is a resounding yes,...

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The 2-Minute Rule Mar 18, 2024

In his book Getting Things Done, David Allen talks about the 2-minute rule as a way of managing tasks and to-dos.

It's particularly useful when we're talking about your...

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What are you saying yes to? Feb 20, 2024

Is the way that you're spending your time the best, most impactful way of spending your time?

What are you saying yes to? And what is the corresponding expense of that?

As in, what are you saying...

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Don't Assume Jan 24, 2024

When it comes to recruiting - whether for a contractor or an employee - assume nothing.

Don't assume that the CV you're looking at is entirely accurate
Don't assume that their listed experience...

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The Context of Advisory Nov 30, 2023

Yesterday I attended the Xero Roadshow here in Auckland. My god, it was fun! 

The fun part largely came from getting to see and talk with people that I already know but rarely see, especially...

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The Power Of Goals Nov 21, 2023

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to effortlessly achieve their dreams while others seem to really struggle to make much progress at all?

If you read biographies of the successful, there...

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