Knowing & Aiming For What You Want Nov 21, 2023

It's coming up to that time of year when I start to reflect on the year that's been and to think about my goals and plans for the year ahead.

This year I have had the incredible privilege of...

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Not Getting What You Need? Oct 25, 2023

This week is manic for many and I'm seeing a lot of people in overwhelm.

We all have those times of the year where everything seems to happen at once - school holidays, public holidays, GST /...

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Balance is not BS Oct 05, 2023

There's been a common theme over the past month with my coaching clients of self-care, taking care of yourself, and about finding balance in life.

In the whirlwind of our lives, it's often easy to...

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Bringing in and nurturing new talent Sep 06, 2023
We've got to think differently about recruiting for and supporting talent in the bookkeeping industry.

At one end of the spectrum we've got growing bookkeeping businesses who are finding it "slim...

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Planning for Success Jul 07, 2023

In my coaching programme, From Bookkeeper to Business Owner, I run a Quarterly Planning workshop.

I love holding these sessions. It's a space for bookkeepers to take the time to refocus on their...

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Are you subsidising a crappy business? Jun 19, 2023

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about discounting when it comes to charities and not-for-profit entities, and in today's blog I want to talk to you about discounting again.

But this time I want to...

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